Saturday, August 1, 2020

Keeping Busy to Avoid Going CRAZY During the COVID Pandemic

YES, we’re still in quarantine and staying indoors.  I would like to talk about  fun activities you can do indoors and stay safe without going out in public.  Below  I discuss some activities I found very entertaining.

Movie Night
I know some Arc residents miss going to the movie theaters watching the latest movies, but did you know you can watch the latest released movies in the comfort of your home?  You can choose to watch a movie channel, a pay-per view, dvd, or regular  television. Each home can decide on what movie to watch. It can be a classical movie, action, suspense, or whatever you like —— just don’t forget the popcorn!

Healthy Living

Even though we’re stuck inside, it doesn’t mean you have to sit around like Homer Simpson eating chips and cookies all day.  That just makes you fat and tired. 

You have so many options to stay healthy at home and have a balanced diet that will fuel your body and give you energy. 

- maintaining a balance diet - eating a wide variety of vegetables; protein, including eggs, nuts, lean meats and beans 
- Join a zoom class for example tai chi or Zumba 
- Find a an exercise class or meditation class on YouTube
- going for a walk in the neighborhood ( with mask at all times)
-  Get some fresh hair and some sunlight 
Safe Public Locations

Now that some spots are opening to the public, these are some places that are pretty safe.

- Getting ice cream at your local Rita’s or baskin Robbins spot 
- walk at the boardwalk (please wear mask)
- eating outside with friends but also respecting the rules of social distancing 
- catching up with family 

What to do when hanging out

-  Respecting social distancing and stay six feet away
-ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS (No high fives) elbow fist 


- Create a karaoke night in your home or a sing along
- Dance off 

Arts and crafts

-  Origami 
- start a knitting club via zoom
- painting 
- creating slime

Healthy Relationships

- Communication is key to a healthy relationship - talk about things!
-  speak to a staff if something is bothering you and need some assistance or in need of emotional support

Birthday Shoutouts

- ARC Facebook page Birthday shoutout and naming something that they like and what home they’re from

Zoom Activity’s 

- Learning to cook/ bake
- Zumba classes
-  yoga classes
- daily workouts
- science activities ( edible slime, homemade volcano, DIY activities) 

Current Events
- Reason on why it’s important to be safe during global pandemic 
-  what the future holds us - having discussions through Zoom, social and limited face-to-face meetings in small groups
- 2020 election and the importance on why to vote - gathering information on what candidates empower and benefit adults with intellectual disabilities 

Suggested Topics

- How other people are coping during the pandemic 

- What movies are good to watch when staying indoors

Love have to hear what you been doing to keep yourself busy


I’m getting other participants healthy I want to show you ways to participate

Keeping Busy to Avoid Going CRAZY During the COVID Pandemic

YES, we’re still in quarantine and staying indoors.  I would like to talk about  fun activities you can do indoors and stay safe without goi...